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All games in the Indie Gamer Archive adhere to certain criteria for their game to be addded.​


[Concept] requires accessible rules as well as a means of play. This can be print-and-play and/or digital (ex: Tabletop Simulator, Screentop, Untap).


[Concept] Links provided to the following:

  • complete rules

  • playable demo


[Published] Links provided to the following:

  • complete rules

  • playable demo

  • purchasable (store link)



  • no store supply

  • may be sold by private party

  • may be sold by merchant specialized in "collectible" (dead) games

[Canceled] games are generally not considered for the Indie Gamer Archive without links to the game information itself and a means of purchase.


Required: Game Name, Email, Company or Game Designer Name, Website or Social Link, Rulebook or Tutorial, Short & Long Bio, List of Products, Age requirement, How many Players, How long is Play Time, Country of origin, SFW or NSFW, Game Status, Game Type, and Tags


Its optional for you to add where to play your game example: Tabletop Simulator, Tabletopia, ECT. Shop or Market place link is up to you, but best to have so people can have access to your game or to confirm your game is published. Not everyone has a League, but if you have one looking for more players to join should fill in these details. 



  • Find additional details in our ICG's Criteria Page

  • Images, files, and other additional content can be added joining the website, and adding them into the "Forum".

  • You can also submit also submit a written interview, while you wait for our response. 

Indie Game Archive Form

Game Status
Game Type

Thank you for registering your game into the Indie Gamer Archive. We will contact you ASAP for any additional information once one of our guild members has checked your form.

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