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Writer's pictureGM - Aruka

Celestial TCG

Celestial TCG is a concept game currently being developed, as I write. I have been watching the amazing progress of the game over the last few weeks, and I can say that I am beyond excited about this one.


First things first let’s dive into the 5 different decks that they are currently working on explaining what each one does, and dive deeper into two specifically going over combos and things that you can play.

The current decks feature the Solar, Verdiant, Azure, Ruby, and Shadow.
Starting things off we dive into the Solar, specifically the Serian type, and to get even more specific lava Dinosaurs!!! That’s right yall, flaming lava Dinosaurs!!! Not gonna lie these guys are what caught my eye, and made me want to learn more about this game.

Below are what cards that are currently featured in the Celestial sections of the IGG discord server.


To show you how these guys work, you can vanquish (destroy) them to activate or target one of their abilities sending them into the graveyard. If you ever played YuGiOh, you can easily compare these to the scrap types, which for me are one the decks that I ran a lot back in my YuGiOh days, and when you add oval Dinos to it. I mean it’s just a win, win situation if you know what I mean.

Personally, these guys are my favorite among what Celestial is currently showcasing. They have an Arm (equip) card that allows for the soldier to gain additional armor when a soldier is vanquished. This card alone just makes me jump for joy!!! Even though it might sound simple, I feel like I can work it out where it can be slightly busted. Now there are similar versions of the Arm in the other decks as well, and I can't wait to see which one would be the best.
Now Reddxvirus the game designer of the game has admitted that "Yea I won't deny they were inspired by scraps to an extent and visually by Jurracs if you remember those!" Just mentioning Jurracs just brings me joy, because that is another archetype that just doesn't get a whole lot of love either.


Now I want to make a solid reminder that this game is still being developed, so not all the cards have the fancy artwork. Reddxvirus wife is working on a lot of the artwork herself, to me which just shows how much of a power couple they are. I can say the next deck is going to look amazing once finished, and play equally amazing as well. Which means we have the Verdiant, with the Sylph type. I just want to say these are going to look amazing once finished!

They are an early-game aggro deck that uses a lot of return return-to-hand to allow them to replay themselves and reuse their on-play abilities. A good example I can think of if you are a YuGiOh player is the Gusto archetype, now maybe some new cards have come out since the golden age when I played the game. But these are the ones that come close for me to explain it.

In my own opinion this type of mechanic has never been fully explored like that I have seen, and mind you I have seen a lot of card games... But no I have not yet played them all or researched into them like I am doing now. So maybe I will come across one shortly, but for now, this game is doing a splendid job of exploring this mechanic further.


Now Reddxvirus doesn't have a personal favorite deck to play, but the one he often will play is Azure. He also mentions that the current Azure deck uses a lot of discarding to use various abilities while equipping your Soldiers with equipment from the Void to handle different situations. This gives me Dark World archetype vibes, mixed with Noble Nights from YuGiOh. The deck is currently set up as an aggro deck with a bit of Midrange mixed into it. These are still being worked on as well featuring a few examples below.


Next up we got the Ruby featuring the Drift Beast. Ruby’s main thing is that they can either give you benefits or be able to mess with your opponent's Soldiers' positions being able to switch them up. The game is set up once you play a Soldier to a specific spot it's fixed to that location, meaning you will have to be tactical in your choices on where you play them. I see plenty of games start up doing something with this type of mechanic, but never follow through with actually enforcing the card cannot move especially when it's a Soldier or Creature. This is cool to see more of this type of mechanic get exploited, one of the decks I am looking forward to playing.


For the final one, we have Shadow featuring the Violet Eye. Shadows do something a little more commonly found through any TCG or even card game in which they will manipulate the pool of points that are used to pay a card's cost or activation cost of an ability. Called many things mana, money, energy, but in this game, it's called Aether. They will be able to manipulate the Aether Ina various ways to put themselves at an advantage or your opponent at a disadvantage. Now for the Violet Eyes specifically they have Tech (Magic) cards in the Void to gain additional benefits to themselves. Below we have a couple of examples of what they look like and do.


I hope you liked our feature of Celestial TCG, make sure to check them out follow, and play the game. You can find their links just below!

If you are looking for more games please check out our game archive or other blog post. If you are a game designer submit your game to get registered into the game archive, and join our discord.

Have fun, everyone,
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