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Writer's pictureGM - Aruka

ChronoCore TCG Re-Vamp!!!

ChronoCore TCG just got a huge makeover with some impressive adjustments here is a comment from the creator on what exactly got switched up!

“We’ve updated the hierarchy for the icons in the upper left-hand to be more intuitive. Moved shield and life values to the upper right, and created a new damage iconography for weapons in the upper right. The way we’re presenting abilities and the font style/size has also changed to be more readable. The “flavor” ability names were removed because they were confusing people as to why mechs had the same keywords with different ability names.” - Creator Ryan Milledge

He even showed the MKI-MKIV will look for equipment adding - "The MKIV keeps the ability name… now an “Ultimate” ability"

It's cool to see the cards evolve into their next form, especially since I have been following the game for some time now.


Here are also a few shots of when they were at Gencon 2024, and he also mentioned.

"Oh, it was a blast, we had over 50 people play the game and give us feedback between the first exposure play hall and our 2 main floor demo events! Spoke to a few LGS owners, Best Coast Pairings for possible tournament organization, we also have meetings set up with some US distributors to demo the game for them. Namely Alliance and PHD." - Ryan Milledge

I am so excited to see the updates and hear that Gencon was also a success. I look forward to seeing the Kickstarter drop which should be dropping sometime this year, a huge shout to Ryan for all of his amazing creativity! So make sure to check out or follow their Instagram, discord, and website shop to see what they have to offer.

Thanks for swinging by everyone!

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Digging the recent updates for the game!

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