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Writer's pictureGM - Aruka

Interview #3 - Skyscape TCG

Updated: Aug 4, 2023

Had an amazing interview that I had with the creator of Scyscape TCG. For myself it was amazing to learn so much information on how the game was even created of conceived is truly inspiring to hear about.


Describe your game? -

Skyscape is a high action fantasy trading card game where the goal is to reduce each of your opponents' Life totals to zero! This can be done through a combination of battle, card effects, and even the cards that you and your opponents play!

- What inspired you to create your own game? -

I grew up watching a lot of shows and movies as a kid. From Yu-Gi-Oh! on Saturday mornings to the annual Marvel movie or two, I was always getting inspired by the things I watched. Also, I've been drawing ever since I was 3, so it all went hand in hand! Hahaha.

However, it wasn't until I discovered Chaos Galaxy on YouTube that I really got interested in making my own card game. Seeing what that creator did all on his own was the most inspiring thing of all, and after years of practice and teaching myself some important things along the way, I now have Skyscape underway, full speed ahead!

- How did you come up with the game’s name? -

It came from a long session of thinking up cool, short names. I liked the word "Sky" from things like "Skyrim" and the like. I kept toying with that word, and then one day I looked up at the sky and saw beautiful clouds and scenery.

I thought of how beautiful a landscape could be, and then the idea hit me… What would the sky version of a landscape be? A "sky-scape"?

I repeated the word a few times, and I fell in love with it. It was short and to the point, and it really stood out as something different than the rest!

And now, the word "Skyscape" plays a very important part in the game's story overall! I'm excited to show that off to everyone in time.

- How long have you been working on your game? -

I started the initial draft work of the game back in 2016. Back then everything was different. I drew by hand on little pieces of paper. It was fun, but not professional in the eyes of a mass production printing company.

So, I stepped up my game. I learned how to design and draw digitally, and with years of progress I've gotten as good as I am now! It takes time and hard work, but it's worth it every step of the way!

- What makes your game different from other TCGs? -

Skyscape's unique "Life Cost Mechanic" is its biggest hook!

In a game of Skyscape, every card that you play costs a portion of your own Life Total!

Naturally, you have to judge the risks and rewards of choosing to play your higher cost cards as opposed to your lower cost ones. You could go through half your Life setting up a massive board, but an opponent could always have a trick or two up their sleeve!

There's also the inclusion of "Summon cards". These go in their own Deck and you can play them at any time for their costs! This helps a player always be able to set up a good first turn no matter what they draw!

There are also Weapons and Shields that a player can use to attack or defend, and Arcanes and Relics that they can use to tap into legendary magical powers!

- What is one of the biggest challenges you had in creating this game? -

When I first came up with Skyscape, I was worried it would just be another Magic the Gathering clone. I really struggled with giving Skyscape its own identity when I first started out. It would go from being a Yu-Gi-Oh! clone to a Magic the Gathering clone over and over.

Eventually, I made the game different with how players can play and use their cards. The "Life Cost Mechanic" really seems to set things apart in the best way, and it's my favorite aspect of what makes the game stand out and be different from the rest!

I've seen games say that they use Life as a resource, which got me excited to see what other games have done towards this mechanic!

However, their versions of Life Points typically refer to the decks of cards themselves, and removing some of those cards from the game entirely whenever a player would receive combat damage.

This is an interesting mechanic on paper, but I've yet to see a game that has an actual Life Total that you need to subtract from in order to play your cards. Using cards as Life isn't the same as… well, using Life points as Life.

In this aspect, I think Skyscape has really hit the mark on being different in the best ways possible!

As far as it goes lately, though? Well, my current goals are getting the game put up on Kickstarter and going through the tasks of understanding all of the business side of things! Hahaha. And so far, I'm more motivated now than ever!

- Do you have a favorite card in the game? -

Oooo. This is a tough one! Hahaha. I actually made a celebration video where I asked a ton of indie game makers the same question, and they had a hard time too!

It's a hard pick, but if I had to say one thematically… it would definitely be "Narrak, Vuhl Prodigy"!

I created the Vuhl to be this cool alien race in Skyscape that uses Creation magic to reshape matter itself! The Vuhl are what I personally see to be my magnum opus, and Narrak is special as he is truly the main character of the entire world of Skyscape! Pretty cool, right?

As for the game's legacy, however, I'd have to say that "Greatsword" is my favorite card!

It's got incredible stats for costing only 1 Life, and its effects make it a powerhouse of an attacker and a blocker! Plus, it features a character on it from the cover art of Skyscape's first Expansion Set!

Overall, both choices are epic cards to highlight in the game! I can't wait to see what everyone else's favorites will be!

- What are your plans for the future for your game? -

Playtesting, playtesting, playtesting, and more playtesting! Hahaha. A lot of hard work goes into judging the power of cards, especially in a Life Cost centered game. Playtesting is key in every game's development!

Also, a Kickstarter is right around the corner, too! I plan to get Skyscape out there in game shops soon, and I'm even working on some Skyscape stories and comics, too!

-As a creator, what advice would you give you to others who are trying to presume their dreams? -

It takes time to improve your work. From output, to quality, to even story lore and playtesting. It takes dedication and time. What you first start off having – especially for a card game – is going to be a broken game. Some cards will be too strong, others will be too weak, and mechanics you thought would work out well could turn into disasters.

But that's all okay. It takes time to mold what you make into something with a proper form. You are the creator. You get to shape your creative image to what you want and will it to be. In time, you can accomplish so many good things.

Always be looking out for things to inspire you, and always be willing to go the extra mile to make whatever you do be truly a part of you. After all, what is art, but fragments of our own times, lives, and passions given form?

You all are the future. I believe in you, as you believe in others. Keep up the good work.

And as always… aim high, and pierce the skyscape!


You can find more information on SkyScape TCG in our indie game archives.

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